My first medico-legal report was carried out in 1981.  This kindled an interest which has blossomed over the years and been maintained.  I have kept myself up to date with the changes in medico-legal practice. 


I receive between 150 and 300 new instructions each year.  I am always pleased to discuss any case with those instructing in order to facilitate the knowledge base and advise as appropriate.


I do not routinely take on criminal instruction.  I do however frequently give pro bono advice in order to assist.  It really is not possible to give a proper medico-legal opinion at the rates of fees currently being allowed.


In personal injury, my instructions are equally dispersed between Claimants and Defendants with a fair number of joint instructions.  I am regularly instructed in matters of potential medical negligence by both Claimants and Defendants.


My medico-legal experience also includes Industrial Tribunals, matrimonial disputes, testamentary capacity, other matters involving the family division and also disability discrimination.  I have undertaken many assessments with regard to complex insurance benefits.


As a busy clinical Neurologist, one-third of my clinical referrals are for headache, one-third for fits, faints and funny turns and I also have a particular interest in multiple sclerosis and stroke.  I receive more than 1000 clinical referrals each year in out-patients and also do considerable referral work within the hospital.  Approximately 1500 patients are seen for follow up consultations.


Unfortunately people with neurological problems have always faced under-resourcing in the UK.  It is known for instance that when a Neurologist is involved in giving opinion in    a neurological matter, the diagnosis and/or management will change in 50% of the patients that are seen.


This means that neurological problems can frequently lead to inadequate or wrong care sadly which in turn will lead to potential claims for negligence.  Although it may well be that a General Practitioner or General Physician will need to give a primary opinion on liability, often the thinking that needs to be applied can be assisted by the early involvement of a Neurologist.


Instructions should be sent to either of my offices.   On the whole, my North London office in Harrow Weald deals with matters north of the Thames whereas my equally full-time office at Gatwick Park Hospital handles cases South of the Thames.